Educate yourself in Art! Do a weekly workshop to discover and develop your own ways of artistic expr
World Art
10 weeks
In the World Art Workshop we will look at art from all over the world and learn why it was made and which meaning it has for the people who made it. We will look at the link between art, culture and spirituality in Africa, America, Mexico, Japan, Indonesia, India, Australia, and discover mask making, weaving, ceramic pot making, ink painting, Chigiri-e collage, Aboriginal landscape painting and much more! Then you will try it out yourselves by learning the techniques and exploring our own personal patterns and motifs! Beautiful slides will inspire you to make your own creations. When you understand the link between art-culture-spirituality it is easy to try it out yourself.
Masks from Africa (25/9)
Aboriginal landscape painting (2/10)
Mandala painting from India (16/10)
Mexican ceramic pot making (23/10)
Chigiri-e, Japanese collage art (6/11)
Maasai weaving (13/11)
Sumi-e Asian ink painting (20/11)
Arabic Macramé knotting (27/11)
Native American bead weaving (4/12)
Indonesian Batik (11/12)